The Surgery welcomes correspondence (including complaints) from patients. These often allow the Surgery to further refine its procedures and improve its delivery of care. To enable the content of any correspondence to be investigated and actioned promptly we recommend that these letters are written in a polite tone and use respectful language.
Where correspondence from patients contains material that is insulting or rude, it will be returned to the sender for redrafting without being further actioned. This process will enable the Surgery to better understand, interpret and action any content. Correspondence containing insulting or rude or derogatory material may prompt a Behaviour Warning. This can put a patient’s registration at the Surgery at risk. Patients are responsible for any advocates acting on their behalf.
Where we feel the language in correspondence is unnecessarily intemperate or assertive, the Surgery will address any issues contained therein but will recommend that written language should adopt a more polite tone. Where advice to correspond in such tone is ignored and correspondence we receive repeatedly uses language that is felt to be unsuitable, the Surgery may respond with a Behaviour Warning. This can put a patient’s registration at the Surgery at risk. Patients are responsible for any advocates acting on their behalf.