Compliments, Feedback and Complaints
Our complaints procedure gives you the opportunity to tell us about any concerns or complaints that you may have.
If you wish to make a complaint, please download and complete our Patient Complaint Form. Either return the form to the practice reception or by post (using a secure, tracked postal service) to 205 Westbury Avenue, Wood Green, London N22 6RX.
The form gives information on how the complaint will be processed and the timelines by which you will receive a response.
We welcome all feedback and compliments are especially welcome. You can do this by completing a Friends and Family Test.
Complaint Resolution Meetings
The Surgery does not routinely offer Complaint Resolution Meetings.
This is for several reasons:
- The best way of communicating a complaint to the Surgery is to write to us. This allows the Surgery an opportunity to investigate the complaint thoroughly, reflect on its causation and consider systemic changes that may need to be adopted in respect of the issues raised. This also allows the Surgery to use the complaint constructively for learning purposes to improve service delivery and patient experience. Meetings do not allow the Surgery time to address issues raised in an appropriate manner. Written complaints do however allow an objective record of the complaint as its process evolves.
- Some Complaint Resolution Meetings held in the past have been marred by hostile behaviour on the part of the complainant or their advocate or team. Although occurring in only a minority of encounters, it became necessary to undertake a risk assessment before meetings to ensure that staff were not at risk. The Surgery does not employ in house security staff.
- The Surgery is a resource limited organisation. There is a great deal of demand placed on clinical and management staff to run the Surgery safely and effectively. Whilst a comprehensive evaluation and detailed response to all issues raised in a complaint are best practice, Complaint Resolution Meetings are not felt to be an effective deployment of the available resources for the Surgery team in a manner that equitably benefits all patients registered at the Surgery.