Patient Information
MRSA Decolonisation Treatment Regime

You have isolated Meticillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) from pre-admission screening. Staphylococcus aureus is a common bacterium (germ) which can be found on the skin or in the nose of about a third of the population. Many normal healthy people have Staphylococcus aureus on their skin without causing them any harm. MRSA is a type of Staphylococcus aureus which is resistant to the more commonly used antibiotics
It is recommended that an MRSA decolonisation treatment is used prior to your surgical procedure. The aim of MRSA decolonisation treatment is to decrease the risk of infection by reducing the amount of MRSA found on the skin.
You will be given a pack containing:
- Chlorhexidine antiseptic gluconate 4% solution
- Octenisan nasal gel or Naseptin nasal cream
These should be used for up to five days prior to surgery.
Chlorhexidine gluconate 4% solution
– Use once a day as a soap and shampoo substitute in the bath or shower for up to five days. Do not dilute in water but apply directly to the skin.
Octenisan nasal gel
– Apply to the inside of both nostrils twice a day for up to five days in total.
Or: Naspetin nasal cream
– Apply to the inside of both nostrils four times a day for up to 5 days in total.
How should I apply nasal ointment cream?
- Wash your hands prior to applying nasal ointment cream
- Unscrew the cap and squeeze a small amount of ointment / cream (about the size of a match head) on to your little finger.
- Apply ointment to the inside of one nostril.
- Repeat for the other nostril.
- Close your nostrils by pressing the sides of the nose together for a moment. This will spread the ointment inside each nostril.
- Wash your hands and replace the cap on the tube.
If applying Octenisan nasal gel or Naseptin nasal cream to another person a cotton bud may be used.
If you have any concerns regarding your decolonisation treatment or questions regarding MRSA please contact the hospital that is arranging the procedure/surgery. Westbury Medical Centre is unlikely to be able to help with queries.